
[album 78237 window.jpg]
I realize it is only a window but you would had to have seen the old one to appreciate the new one I wish I would have taken a before picture my old window was wooden and in pretty bad shape when I removed it I took the trim off and it just fell out it leaked cold air in the winter and was just plain nasty from all the years of dampness fron meing in the bathroom so I am thrilled with the new one and the fact I could install it I am told I did not do it right but what it right or wrong ?? It is in and solid and sealed and looks good so I think I did it right….

I was freezing when I got up this morning I looked at the thermostat and it was 65 degrees fo I fired up the furnace maybe I just should have gotten dressed but it was early so once the furnace kicked on I took a shower and now it is warming up a bit still need to get dressed….

Today is more laundry some last minute cleaning up and off to Dad’s then home to pack and relax and hopefully to bed early so I can get a decent amount of sleep for the trip. Yesterday I took Bertha’s bed outside to shake off all the hair and she said ” Oh a game” and grabbed it and took off running LOL I had a heck of a time catching her and getting it back we for sure for some good exersize during the “game” finally did get it back in it’s spot in the livingroom she has 2 beds one in the livingroom and one in the bedroom…..

Enjoy Life,
Tim 😉

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