Home for good

I am home from Connecticut for good and now officially unemployed Last week went Ok I was the only one to go and I rented a car at the airport I reserved a midsized but they did not have one so she asked me if a Mustang was OK I said I suppose as I ran out the door it was a 2004 it was great I loved that car now I wish I had took a picture of it. The week went by fast I left up there Thursday afternoon but due to delays I did not get home till almost 10:00 PM so I just went to bed. Friday Morning I got up and went to work for my last time I visited both shops turned in my uniforms and cell phone and keys and that was that I don’t know what I expected I just was disappointed that after 23 years it ended just like that. I finally got to go to the races Friday night it was a good race it was the modified Outlaw race they are always good I got home around midnight. I have not done much yet today I went to breakfast with my race friends and have just sort of sat around and did nothing I need to go to the bank and deposit one of my expense checks and fill out my final expense report for my last week in Connecticut then maybe mow my grass is so out of control…

I think the Steelers are playing their first per season game tonight so my plan is to go watch it with Dad I think it starts at 9:00 but I am not really sure about that I will check before making solid plans. I am pretty much out of food here I have not been shopping for 5 weeks so after I deposit my check I guess I had better stock up on food. At least my house was clean thanks to Mom while I was away she did a great job of cleaning I should leave home every 2 weeks just to get it cleaned LOL .

I am not sure what I am going to do next week I suppose I will finish mowing and do some detailed trimming of all the weeds around my poor neglected house and hopefully the weather will be nice and I can get my bike out for a ride my garage needs cleaned out and my truck needs inspected Oh now that I think about it I do have a ton of stuff to get caught up on before school starts Oh I guess the biggest is to get signed up for unemployment that is the most important I have to keep some money coming in I still have not even thought about part time work I am going to wait and see how just going to school goes I have to start to get stocked up on wood for winter it is getting to be that time of year

Enjoy Life,
Tim 😉

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