Rain Gutters

Today began beautiful out again nice and warm when Mom came home from senior center I called her as she wanted to buy a weeping Cherry tree so off we went she got her tree and also bought me a rhododendron bush I got her tree planted plus 3 other bushes planted plus my rhododendron just before it began to rain that is when I noticed my gutters were plugged up and the rain was running over the outside of the gutter so I now see it has stopped raining so maybe I might go out now while it is still light and see if i can clean them out..

I am thinking maybe the quitting smoking might be getting a bit easier I found myself not thinking about it as much and I can dismiss the triggers easier, I picked up my last 2 weeks worth of patches this is the 7mg box and thankfully I am off work again tomorrow and it will give me time to adjust to the smaller dose of nicotine.

Enjoy Life


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