My AC works

Today the temp was around 90 degrees it was so hot and humid I almost could not stand it at least I was working inside today, and finally my day was over I came home and did not do much just washed some dishes and got my lunch together for tomorrow. I have an atomic clock on my stereo stand and saw it was 83 degrees inside my house so decided to see if my window AC still works, I leave it in the window all year as it is in my porch window so it is pretty much protected from the weather, anyhow I plugged it is and turned it on and low and behold it works and it is beginning to cool off finally in the house along with the ceiling fan..

Am going to have another cup of coffee, still have my old cell phone maybe tomorrow I might upgrade but still can’t decide my friend has the newest I Phone and she loves it so I am  going to look into that phone and ATT plan first..

Enjoy Life,


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