Heatwave and Font Size

I Think we are having a heat wave it is now 9 degrees Out Bertha thought she wanted out so who am I to argue I sais Ok and out she went I swear she stopped right outside the door turned and gave me a dirty look she went about her business and a couple minutes she was outside shouting to get back in LOL don't blame her, I went and brought in an armload of wood and it is still cold at least I finally got it to 72 degrees inside I keep my thermostat on 60 to try to save some on my gas bill the wood burner sure does help

This is what I woke up to New years morning we have gotten a couple inches since then I guess living in PA it is just life I can't wait for march to roll around only 8 more weeks. I just checked on Mom and she is doing fine and just staying in and keeping warm

Enjoy Life


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