Winter is here

Well as much as I hate the cold weather winter is here and it looks like it is going to stay Tuesday we had around 5 inches of rain and then it turned real cold real fast I am not yet adjusted but I guess i do not have a choice. Thanksgiving went well lots of good food it was good to spend the day with the girls we all had a good time.

Work has been going well a little busy but not so bad that we are working overtime I am glad for the less hours but sure do miss the money but I suspect OT is right around the corner I will work it but not 10 hours 6 days a week like before.

I have started my Christmas shopping arout 1/2 done I want to be done in plenty of time this year to try to avoid the rush.

My latest book is called Bucket of blood, The Ragmans Was by R.S Sukle it is really a good book it is about back in the early 1900s about the early unionizations of the local coal mines in this area I am about 1/2 way done and Mom brought over the next one both my grandfather and my Dad worked the local coal mines so it is important to me to learn about these tough times for the Miners..


Stay Warm


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