
Yesterday it rained most of the day so I didn’t get my walk in today was dry but cold this morning got my 5 miles in but was a struggle towards the end when I walk the second part I walk 1 1/2 miles away from trail head so I have no choice but to walk the final 1 1/2 my legs hurt but that got better after I got home for an hour maybe that means don’t take a day off.

didnt do much after that tomorrow I need to mow and need to take Marley to vet she is just turning 10 and her right eye does not look too good 210E75CA-80D1-4270-B767-5D0C896CAA53

poor girl is getting old but aside from her eye she is doing good she had a lot of eye trouble when she was younger before I got her so anyhow need to make appointment to have it looked at


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