
What a world we are now being forced to life thanks to the virus this is unbelievable but it is what it is I guess I had a tree trimming service here today I had a large crab apple tree leaning dangerously toward my garage so he came his crew is laid off so I told him I would help so he tied a rope up near top and as he cut it I pulled and it fell perfectly so now I need to cut it up and split it for winter.

I went out to a local grab and go business in Saxonburg and I got a Cobb salad with ranch and a small tuna salad , and got a beef cheddar bread for mom and a chocolate, cheery muffin she loved it. After that I hit the trail Did 4.5 miles lots of people out today that is unusual for a weekday but I guess people being off work need something to do and saw lots of dogs I got to pet most of them but this last one didn’t want anything to do with it he just growled they all have their own personality the first one was a beautiful husky with big blue eyes he was so friendly he loved the attention. Still can’t post pictures too bad cause I got a few good ones today

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