Jeep Festival

every year in Butler they have what is called Jeep invasion, I never went as it is Friday afternoon and I always had to get up for work Saturday early, so finally I could go and it was great really had a good time never imagined there were so many Jeeps in the area it was really fun.

not much else going on I am still keeping with my 5 mile walk in the mornings I have not noticed and change but it almost has to be working I need to stay away from scale daily maybe might switch to once a week.


Dreary day

it is surprising what sunshine can do to a person, it was a dreary and overcast morning I didn’t feel like being out there at all let alone do 5 miles I think it was on account of no sun, I made it though this was third day of 5 miles I ran out of water I saved one sip for the last half mile back to truck, I will take an extra bottle with me tomorrow, I walk 1 mile in one direction then come back to where I parked then do 3 the other direction so when I came back to truck after 2 miles then I will grab a fresh water.

this weekend is Jeep fest in Butler I guess the Jeep was invented somewhere up there so it is a big 3 day celebration, I think I will go up Friday all the Jeeps will be parked on Main Street with bands and food trucks, never went before as I had to always wake up at 3:00 am for work in Saturday but this year I am going.

Enjoy Life



Today was my second day of walking a full 5 miles my legs hurt but I guess that is to be expected it should get easier as time goes by I just have to keep up the 5 miles, I don’t see or feel the difference but the scale says I am down 13 pounds but then again when I first started walking I was lucky to do 2 miles so being I am up to 5 it must be making a difference.

paid off my truck and now today am going to shut off my cable tv I rarely watch it and I now have an antenna for local channels and I still have Netflix so I should be all set for entertainment, little chilly this morning but warming up and we are suppose to be getting storms.

Enjoy Life



i did not go for my walk yesterday it rained a good bit of the day so I figured a day off wouldn’t hurt. My neighbor cut down a nasty dead tree that was sort of on both of our property’s , I have lived here for 35 years I think they have been here maybe like 20 maybe a little less anyhow I never talked to the guy just never had the occasion and I am pretty much private person these days, anyhow I went out and we chatted for about an hour he has a nice 70 Nova he restored and of course I showed him my 57s it was a fun day getting to know him he is a really nice guy.

went walking today 4.7 miles my foot was starting to hurt so I cut it short maybe 5 tomorrow, I have been torn as to weather or not to pay off my truck I had the money saved up but kept thinking I should hang on to it but today I pulled the plug and did it, that only leaves me $ 550.00 I savings but will save me $ 315.00 per month so I can save back up.

Enjoy Life



This morning I walked 4.7 miles I thought it was 5 but my phone said 4.7 so a little farther tomorrow I felt pretty good this morning so if it does not rain, tomorrow I will go my first 5 and will just I think keep it at 5 when I lose about another 10 I plan on buying a good mountain bike the trail is 20 miles long so I will switch from riding the bike to walking.

I did not feel like making breakfast so I went down the road to this little dinner and had breakfast it was excellent I had a 3 egg omelet with sausage and cheese. I mowed when I got home but that is all I need to run weed wacker but doubt I will be doing that today just don’t feel like it that is pretty much for today, oh first of month so git my check deposited today that is a good thing was getting a little low on funds.

Enjoy Life,



Love retirement

I retired the end of last year didn’t know how I would feel about it but it’s not bad getting used to my new life style sometimes I forget what day of the week it is. I started putting on weight, well I put on a lot when I quit smoking but more so when I retired, I didn’t realize it till I went to Clearwater Florida in March, so after I got home I figured I had time so I would figure the best way to start losing it. First I began intermittent fasting, I only eat from 9:00 am to 5:00pm then no more so I fast for 16 hours and my window for eating is 8 it’s called of course 16/8 plan, then I only eat 1500 or sometimes a little less, then cut out all sugar and most all carbs, on top of that I go out on rails to trails and walk in morning before breakfast. Have been walking everyday for 20 days I started with 2 miles and am now up to 4.5 my legs ache but that will go away as I get stronger I think have been on 4.5 miles for 5 days all in all since I started this I lost 12 pounds, need to lose 60, so will be keeping track on my journey here so I can read back to when I started

Enjoy Life


No doubt summer is here

Was hot today 95 I think was the high was not easy but i made it through the day. All remodeling done the siding turned out beautiful and of course today I am really appreciating the new central air it felt great coming into a cool house I left the temp on 76 and that is perfect with ceiling fans running.

Work has been picking up we are working 6, 10 hour days per week this overtime is getting harder for me but the money will help with some of the remodeling expenses ran up the credit card pretty good with the porch railing but so worth it.

Still have not figured how to upload pictures maybe from the laptop right now using iPad. Just wanted to check in all is good



Today’s high was around 38 or 39 degrees where is spring sigh I built a fire as soon as I got home sort of wanted a nap but decided to make my lunch, take care of Bertha and gave the the meds and put her outside now to make some dinner and relax it has been a long day.

Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow not much in fact they say it will not even lay but still however I am seeing 70 degrees for Monday that will have me smiling oh before I nap I need to call and get an estimate on siding and new windows time to make the plung and spend some money..

Enjoy life


I decided to migrate my old diary to this new site I see it will take time to get used to it. Easter was a lot of fun I think I ate way too much as usual but it was fun spending the day with the girls and for a change Friedmans was closed so Sam could spend the day with us.

I was spoiled with the warm weather we had a few weeks ago now the 50 and 60 degrees stuff is getting me down a little bit I want 70 degrees, I know it will be here soon.

Bertha had another episode with her arthritis but Cris stopped with some meds for her so she is now doing a lot better poor girl is getting so old she is 14 now. Can’t see yet how to post pictures yet but will work on that, oh I got the new I pad I like it.

Enjoy Life


Great Weather

Well I certainly can't complain about the winter here this year no major snows i only had to plow once and 2 days later it was all melted right now it is 26 and sunny and the weather reports say in the 50s later on this week that is great with only 4 more weeks till March and once March gets here it is downhill till summer and that is my favorite time of the year..


I recently got a new pair of work boots i always buy Red Wings (american made) they have always fit good but this pair is tight on my right foot so I have been trying to get them broke in at home before I start to spend 8 hours on my feet with them I hope I can soon get them to where i can wear them to work without blisters I have enough trouble getting through 8 hours don't need hurting feet on top of that. Work allows us one pair of work boots per year I bought these in October so i am thinking about buying another pair maybe a different style that might fit me better don't know still thinking about that one..


My wood supply has been holding up very wekk I think between the mild winter and all the insulation I have put up has helped i have only used up 1/2 so far that is 1 1/2 cord that is good will save me a lot of money for next winter. Both trucks are inspected for the year the 96 passed grest except for the windshield I had to replace ($250.00) that hurt and I just had the 03 done and it needs a new right front hub that will be around ($200.00) but what are you going to do they are both getting old and do need a little maintenance once in a while I guess just like me.


Am beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel for retirement I am 58 now 4 more years if all goes well I am not packing away 14% into my 401K and between that and my IRA I have around $50,000.00 right now my plan is to hit 6 figures then between my SS and my railroad retirement I should be OK at 62 I will then have enough to pay for hospitalization insurance till I hit 65 a lot to think about furtunatly I am still healthy and doing Ok so nothing else to do my just keep plugging away..


No vacations plans yet for this year I have my week in June and another week in September will no doubt just stay at porchview and maybe get my old bike project done..

Enjoy Life
